Many homeowners spenda large chunk of their salary clearing utility bills on a monthly basis. Things get worse when facing a financial crisis as it will definitely prove difficult to make ends meet. So what measures can you put in place to cut down on utility bills without going through a lot?
If you have been asking yourself this question, then you have definitely come to the right place. Actually, many homeowners are looking for the perfect ways to reduce utility bills in their homes hassle-free. Below are some of the best tips worth employing to help make this possible.
Consider Attic Insulation
If you are cautious about how you use energy in your home, chances are you already know more than half goes towards cooling and heating.The attic is usually the most notable culprit since heat rises and escapes there thus taking tolls on your utility bills. Without ample insulation in your home, there is nothing you can do to prevent the heat from getting out.
That’s where attic insulation comes into play since it helps reduce the amount of heat floating out. Now more than ever, you can find relatively cheaper attic insulation such as Fiberglass. By installing Fiberglass insulation, you are set to save about 20% on your cooling and heating costs through effective insulation of your home.
Buy a Programmable Thermostat
Installing a programmable thermostat is one of the most affordable and effective waysto reduce your utility bills. Adding a programmable thermostat is not extremely difficult as they all come with instructions. Keep in mind the more you turn your thermostat up during the summer or down in winter, the more money you save.
While away, be sure to set the temperature higher in the winter and further lower during summer.  Luckily, you can always adjust it to a more comfortable temperature before going back home. That way, you will definitely reduce the utility bill in your home and save your residential HVAC unit the stress. So, what is keeping your from reducing your home’s utility bill today?