If your child is planning to sit for 11+ exams, ample preparation is mandatory for success. The period before the exam day is crucial considering it has a very big impact on your child’s success. Fortunately, there are numerous ways in which you child can prepare such as sitting mock exams, attending a tuition centre or even doing extra work at home. Many parents tend to think they’ve chose the right method of preparation only for things to turn out differently. In this post, we will take you through two reasons why mock exams are a good preparation for your child’s exam.
More than Just Testing
You may think sitting mock papers as a part of a child’s preparation is only going to put pressure on them.However, this is not really the case since it can be viewed at as a necessity as long as it is undertaken correctly. It is common to come across tuition centres that offer Mock papers for Kent PESE to pupils. This action is aimed at making sure they assess pupils at certain points in their learning while the same time figuring out how they perform when faced with the pressure of an exam environment. Through this action, you can get insights on the progress and ability of your child.
Boost Confidence
How children approach the exam can end up impacting the results both negatively and positively. A child is certainly going to achieve great results with general testing, but if they happen to get overwhelmed on the exam day, this is certainly going to impact on their performance. That is why your child needs to sit for Mock papers for Essex CSSE or even Kent eleven plus exams thus boosting their confidence before the D-day.
The Bottom Line
It is quite evident that mock exams have an important role to play when it comes to the success of your child. Thanks to Pass the Paper, you are certainly going to prepare your child for any upcoming exam. This is possible considering they offer Mock papers for Sutton SET, Essex CSSE, Kent PESE, and Bucks STT to mention a few. Check out their official website today and have a peep at their Kent PESE past papers. Feel free to download the past papers regardless of whether you are preparing at home or with a tutor.